The Facade Ensemble

Our aims for 2023 are to expand our reach to new audiences, both across the country and through education projects, reconnect to our supporters through online performance and social media and provide the thrilling, escapist and uplifting musical experiences for which we have become renowned. We will begin this with a series of lecture recitals at the Courtauld Gallery, before a live-streamed rendition of MacMillan’s Easter masterpiece Seven Last Words From The Cross and then hopefully some live summer festival collaborations!
Unfortunately, we cannot make any of this happen without your help. With our new ambitions and after almost a year without concerts, any financial support you can give will be crucial in enabling The Facade Ensemble to share the concert programmes and ideas we are creating.
By becoming a Friend of The Facade Ensemble, you help us to:
Spread our publicity and brand across social media and traditional marketing, building on the success of our lockdown rebrand and new logos
Hire the scores and instruments necessary to perform extraordinary works from Penderecki’s Passion to Honneger’s Christmas Cantata
Book the most exciting young orchestral players to be a part of this extraordinary musicmaking
Expand our concert tours to new audiences in the North of England, Wales, Scotland and the European mainland
Establish education programmes with conservatoires, schools and summer courses, encouraging the next generation of musicians to challenge the limits of their musicmaking power
Make outstanding recordings of rare or unrecorded repertoire
Friends pay a monthly amount with a range of levels of payment to suit you.
Supporters will receive:
Young Friend (Under 35s) – £1 per month
Advanced booking for all self-promoted events
A quarterly newsletter about upcoming music and concerts
Friend - £5 per month
Advanced booking for all self-promoted events
A quarterly newsletter about upcoming music and concerts
Recognition of your support on our website
Supporter – £10 per month
As Friend, and additionally
Drinks receptions with the artists
A free programme at all self-promoted events
Recognition of your support in our programmes
Patron – £20 per month
As Member, and additionally
Exclusive open rehearsal attendance
Signed copies of our CD
If you would like to support The Facade Ensemble further by:
Commissioning a concert
Supporting a video or recording project
Sponsoring a performance
please contact thefacadeensemble@gmail.com
We are also available for bespoke private functions, education workshops and masterclasses.
Unfortunately the ban on in-person banking appointments means that until we can organise a charity account, we have had to keep our money in a personal account belonging to our new general manager William Searle. This account only has Facade money in it and will be part of our first audit for the charity commission, so we hope that you can bear with us in these inconvenient circumstances.